Electric cars

Audi Begins Production of Electric Motors for Porsche

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In a significant development for the electric vehicle (EV) industry, Audi has commenced the production of electric motors for the eagerly awaited Premium Platform Electric (PPE) EV platform, a collaborative effort with Porsche. This milestone represents a crucial step towards realizing the PPE platform’s potential, including faster charging, cutting-edge digitalization, and autonomous driving capabilities. However, multiple delays have impacted the release of highly anticipated EVs such as the electric Porsche Macan and Audi Q6 e-tron. In this blog post, we’ll explore the details of this partnership and its implications for the future of electric mobility.

The Porsche-Audi Collaboration on PPE

Audi and Porsche joined forces in 2018 to co-develop the Premium Platform Electric (PPE) platform, aiming to lower production costs and expedite the rollout of innovative electric models. This collaboration promised to bring cutting-edge technology and performance to the EV market.

Challenges Leading to Delays

The initial launch of PPE-based vehicles, including the Porsche Macan and Audi Q6 e-tron, was expected before the end of 2021. However, multiple challenges and delays have pushed these launches back, disappointing EV enthusiasts who have been eagerly awaiting these models.

Volkswagen’s Software Delay

At a recent Volkswagen board meeting, plans to delay the 1.2 software, which powers new Porsche and Audi EVs, were revealed. This further setback has raised concerns about the timely release of these highly anticipated electric vehicles.

Audi’s “New Chapter in Drive Production”

Audi recently announced the initiation of electric motor production for the PPE EV platform at its manufacturing site in Győr, Hungary. This development signifies a significant milestone in the production of Audi’s Q6 e-tron model, the first EV based on the PPE platform.

Ramping Up Electric Motor Production

Audi’s Győr facility has established three new production lines, with approximately 700 employees working in three shifts to manufacture up to 2,000 electric motors daily for the upcoming PPE platform. These motors will serve both Porsche and Audi vehicles, reinforcing the collaborative efforts of the Volkswagen Group.

Future Prospects

As Audi gears up to start production of the Audi Q6 e-tron, it is expected that this model will hit the market by the end of the year. Additionally, the highly anticipated Porsche Macan EV, based on the PPE platform, is set to launch next year, promising an exciting future for Porsche enthusiasts and EV enthusiasts alike.

Conclusion: Audi’s initiation of electric motor production for the PPE EV platform is a significant step towards realizing the potential of this collaborative effort with Porsche. While delays have posed challenges, the commitment of Audi and Porsche to deliver cutting-edge electric vehicles remains strong. The upcoming Audi Q6 e-tron and Porsche Macan EV are expected to bring innovation and performance to the EV market, showcasing the bright future of electric mobility.

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