
Hyundai’s Breakthrough: Patents All-Solid-State EV Battery System for Enhanced Performance

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In a significant move towards revolutionizing electric vehicles (EVs), Hyundai has recently patented an all-solid-state EV battery system in the United States. With this groundbreaking technology, Hyundai aims to enhance battery stability and energy density, ultimately paving the way for better-performing and longer-lasting EVs.

The patent, titled “All-Solid-State Battery System Provided with Pressurizing Device,” was published on December 28, 2023. Hyundai’s innovation focuses on maintaining constant pressure in each cell of the all-solid-state battery, irrespective of charging and discharging rates.

Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries that use a liquid electrolyte, solid-state batteries employ a solid electrolyte. This key difference ensures that even if the electrolyte is damaged, the battery maintains stability and performance. Solid-state batteries have gained popularity as a potential alternative to current lithium-ion batteries due to their lighter weight, improved safety, faster charging capabilities, and overall superior performance.

However, certain limitations have hindered the widespread adoption of solid-state battery technology. The absence of liquid electrolyte necessitates the use of solid materials like graphite, which can be expensive and challenging to source.

Hyundai’s innovative all-solid-state battery system addresses these challenges by implementing a design that applies constant pressure to each cell during charging and discharging. The patent describes a configuration with battery cells arranged in a closed pressurized chamber. Fluid in an isostatic pressure is used to pressurize the cells, with a dedicated pressurizing device controlling the supply of fluid to the chamber.

Sensors play a crucial role in monitoring the pressure and temperature within the chamber, while a voltage detector provides real-time information on the voltage of each cell. An integrated controller initiates charging and discharging when the temperature and pressure fall within predefined ranges. The system also includes a temperature-adjusting device to ensure optimal operating temperatures.

While Hyundai takes a bold step with its all-solid-state battery system, it is not alone in the race to harness the potential of this technology. Toyota has long been committed to solid-state batteries, with plans initially set for 2021, then 2022, and now targeted around 2030. Other major automakers such as GM, Volkswagen, Ford, Nissan, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, and more are actively engaged in developing solid-state battery technology, indicating the industry’s collective push towards a future of improved EV performance and sustainability.

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